Friday, March 28, 2025

October 19, 2016

El Chapo Judge Assassination Caught On Camera [Video]

I wouldn't want to the person responsible for putting some of Mexico's most notorious criminals behind bars, and its ultimately cost this judge his life.

It’s been a while since we’ve seen Joaquín Guzmán’s name in the news, but unfortunately it’s back with a bang.

The video shows the shooting of Judge Vicente Antonio Bermudez Zacarias, who was investigating some of Mexico’s biggest and most powerful drug cartels.

Included in that mix is El Chapo, and whilst we don’t know if he was behind the assassination it’s clear this was a hit.

The killing took place in Metepec, 50 kilometres west of Mexico City, whilst Bermudez was out jogging.

So this should really go without saying but be warned, it doesn’t make for very easy viewing:

More info from the Sun:

Bermudez became a district court judge in December 2013 and served in the Fifth Tribunal for appeals and civil judgements in the State of Mexico when he was killed.

His cases included one involving the Los Cuinis drug cartel and a tax fraud investigation against powerful businessman Naim Libien Kaui, whose family is accused of links to drug traffickers.

Most recently, he had suspended the extradition of Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman to the US to face drug trafficking charges…

Supreme Court president Luis Maria Aguilar Morales also urged authorities to ensure the safety of judges.

“Federal judges are people who dedicate their lives, their personal, moral and physical integrity to serve federal justice in our country,” Aguilar said.

“They require security and peace conditions that guarantee their independence because in an atmosphere of peace and security, judges can reflect on their decisions.”

It’s not much fun being a judge here in South Africa, but I think they have it easier than those in Mexico.
