Saturday, March 29, 2025

So You Think You Know How To Fix The Springboks? Here’s Your Chance To Make It Known

I have no doubt you've heard your fair share of Bok chatter these past few weeks, and of course your advice is the way forward. Time to get the word out there.

Our regular readers will remember last week when we introduced you to Gather Online, the new global social network that had our readers diving in for more.

You’ll want to read that first story to make sure you’re up to speed (HERE), because you might be hearing a fair bit about this brilliant innovation going forward.

Of course one Gathering that garnered much attention was ‘How to spot a Capetonian‘, although for now everyone appears to be playing nice. Head over HERE if you feel like stoking the fire and spicing things up a little – we dare you.

Another Gathering that has seen much chat is the debate around what you would change if you were Springbok coach (HERE), with a few interesting perspectives on offer:


I think William B is on the ball there, and those cabinet doors are in serious need of a good oiling some time soon.

We had a look around and found a number of new Gatherings that tickled our fancy, with one titled “Would you take a one way ticket to Mars?” standing out.

Here’s some of that chat:


I can think of one election result that might see me keen to move to Mars, but thankfully those wheels seem to be coming off.

A reminder of some of the key features of Gather Online:

  • Sign up is free
  • All the Gatherings have a set time limit, so the conversations are always fresh and active
  • It’s really easy to join or start a Gathering on any topic imaginable
  •  Your Gathering can be public or private, depending on what you’re looking for
  • It’s a cool way to discover new like-minded friends or business contacts
  • If you are single and looking to mingle, flirt away and confidentially like any potential love interests that you’d like to match up with. 
  • Gather Online is currently available via the website, with an app soon to be available on Android and iStore

As you can see from the categories below, there’s a little something for everyone.


If you want to wade in and have your say (and who doesn’t want to give their five cents worth?), best get your behind over to Gather Online and join in the fun.