Sunday, March 23, 2025

October 4, 2016

Here’s What Happens When A Town Blocks All Cellphone Signal [Video]

There are a select few who live exclusively without connection to the outside world - but what is their life like? These guys took a journey to find out.

Imagine being completely disconnected from the Internet. Like, all the time. Well, one section of the States is like that. On purpose.

The Green Bank is a national radio quiet zone in West Virginia, USA. Once you’re in it, radio transmissions and cellphone signal are restricted by law.

That means no wifi, no communication with the outside world, no Snapchat, no Instagram. People have to come visit you. So what do you do?

Ray-Ban wanted to test this, so they got seven of the world’s biggest online influencers to converge in the 8.5kmzone. Their phones were packed away and they were forced to make content, analogue style.

Ray-Ban then made an epic short about their journey below, where you can see how they survived, as well as meet the people who run the town on a mission to ensure it has no transmissions (not even microwaves).

As you might have noticed, local photographer and filmmaker Paul Ward was one of the seven asked to go along, and he shared his own personal journey with online followers.

Here’s what he had to say about the experience:

Just in case all that Ray-Ban talk got you interested in getting yourself a pair, here’s the latest offerings from SunglassHut:


At least if you’re forced to go to a place with no signal, you’ll look cool doing nothing.

And remember:

Courage isn’t just about having the guts to jump out of a plane, get on stage, or down on one knee. Being courageous is owning that moment and accepting yourself for who you are, warts and all.
