Pastor Steven Anderson is a prick – we’ve already discussed this at length.
The good news is that he was barred from entering South Africa, which led to THIS whiny little rant where he called us a bunch of rude names.
Next up in his hate spreading soul-winning campaign was Botswana, where he was probably hoping for a warmer reception. Alas they also saw the light, because this was sent from the government’s official Twitter account around midday:
Cheers, dickhead.
According to The Monitor, a local newspaper, the decision stems from a radio interview he gave whilst in the country.
Great to see fellow African countries closing ranks on someone so full of hate, less great to see a Cape Town pastor flying to Botswana to offer support for Anderson.
That pastor would be Oscar Bougardt, who has already been sued for R1 million for preaching against homosexuality. This from IOL:
On Monday, Bougardt of Calvary Hope Ministries in Strandfontein, boarded a plane at Cape Town International Airport for Botswana.
Bougardt would not divulge where in Botswana they would be meeting.
He [said] at the airport on Monday: “I will meet him at a hotel and the main reason for our meeting is to discuss future trips to Africa and South Africa. I am very excited to meet with him.”
Bougardt [imbecile, above left] says the ban has only “strengthened his relationship” with Anderson: “Like me he is not afraid to preach the true gospel of Jesus Christ. To date, 65 people came to know Jesus Christ on his soul winning marathon and he has officially started a church in Botswana.”
Bougardt slammed Home Affairs for Anderson’s ban.
“I feel that it was not the pastor that was denied entry into SA, but it was an attempt of the Devil to stop the true Word of God being preached in SA,” he said. “He was on trial, found guilty and sentence without being in country, not by government, but by homosexuals.”
As if having one Oscar bringing shame on our country wasn’t enough.
Here’s hoping the two pastors can find a nice, secluded island somewhere and live out the rest of their days together in harmony. Who knows, maybe one thing leads to another…