Sunday, March 23, 2025

September 15, 2016

The Sickest HD Drone Footage Of Cape Point We’ve Ever Seen [Video]

Tourists might flock to Cape Point in huge numbers, but for many Capetonians it's a little out of the way. A reminder of its natural beauty then.

Everyone loves a good Cape Town drone video, and we’re blessed with an array of skilled operators, but Capetonian Luke Maximo Bell has played out of his boots with this one.

Cape Point is one of those iconic parts of the city that many locals don’t visit all that often, and even a trip to the Deep South can’t give you the kind of perspective a flying camera can.

Of course there’s more to the art than merely piloting a drone, but for now let’s just enjoy Luke’s work:

If you’re keen on emulating such a video Luke spoke to Traveller24 and offered three tips:

“The first is actually being able to fly the drone well. You need to know exactly what you are doing and be able to manoeuvre it in any way possible.

“This just takes practice. Eventually, you get so comfortable flying, you’ll be able to pull off extremely challenging shots and these are by far the most rewarding”…

“The second is the drone cinematography,” Luke says. “It’s all good and well if you can do flips with a drone and fly through tiny spaces, but if you don’t know how to frame a shot, then what’s the point?

“Don’t use a drone to get a shot you could have done with a ground camera. Use them to get shots which would be impossible otherwise.

“The third is story telling. This is probably the most important one. Drones are an incredible storytelling tool, which enables the viewer to see far more than a shot just from the ground. They also allow for more unique and creative angles. Using a drone to tell your story better than previously possible should be the ultimate goal when using a drone.”

Master those three steps and maybe we’ll be using your video to show off our fine city.

Just a little reminder of Luke’s most well-known video from his YouTube channel (HERE) – we can’t argue with that title either.

That’ll do.
