Wow guys and girls, isn’t it amazing how it’s already September?
Well no, because time is a linear concept, and if you haven’t wrapped your head around how it works all hope may be lost.
Moving on.
One of September’s plus points is that it plays host to Heritage Day, which takes place on the 24th. Many South Africans love to throw some meat on the braai to celebrate, which is why you’ll be pretty stoked with what we’re about to tell you.
Back in June we gave away a fantastic Weber 57cm Master Touch braai, with THIS hilarious story the winning entry.
There were plenty of entrants worthy of a prize though, but in the end there could only be one.
Fear not wannabe braai winners, because now you have a second chance to win. This time it’s the Weber 57cm Original Touch braai, valued at R2 800.
That would be this beaut below:
You’re excited, good – now how do you win the blerrie thing? Listen up, it’s all pretty simple:
We want you guys to tell us what braaing means to you – why you love rocking your Weber, why it makes us South African, go a little wild and have some fun with.
But this isn’t an essay-writing exercise, because we’re keeping it simple – take each letter, make it a word, make it pop. For example:
W riters
E njoy
B elittling
E very
R epublican
B ecause
R epublicans
A re
A bsolute
I diots
S on
That has nothing to do with Weber or braais, but we don’t want to steal your ideas.
A little word of advice – you don’t need to make the W stand for Weber and B stand for braai, because it pays to think outside the box.
Email your creative efforts to – it never hurts to make us chuckle, ya know.
The dates you need to know:
That gives us plenty of time to have the Weber delivered to your door in time for Heritage Day (the 24th, we’ve been over this).
Ready, steady, go – there’s a braai to be won, which is no laughing matter.