Sunday, March 23, 2025

This Is How You Can Save 12 Grand On One Electronic Gadget

Many South Africans assume that specials and online deals mean big savings, but local retailers are often taking us for a ride. Here's proof.

Look, it’s 2016 and drones are quickly becoming a part of everyday life.

Maybe you’ve seen one flying overhead, if you live in the U.S. maybe you’ve had a parcel delivered by one – but you’ve definitely seen how they’re changing the way we film and see the world.

Something else most of us know  – they aren’t cheap. That’s especially true when you’re going for top of the range, something like the 3DR Solo Quadcopter, that aficionados refer to as “the world’s smartest drone”.

Why, you ask? A few points:

  • Solo runs two 1 GHz computers, one on the copter and one in the controller, connected via a powerful dedicated Wi-Fi signal.
  • This enables Solo to do amazing things that no personal drone has ever been able to do.
  • Its powerful and one-of-a-kind computer-assisted Smart Shot modes allow Solo to fly itself so you can focus on shooting; the perfect photo or video is always just a few taps away.
  • Solo is also the first all-in-one drone to offer live streaming of HD video from your GoPro directly to your mobile device, as well as built-in HDMI for live broadcast in HD.


Sounds amazing – time for the kick in the nuts. The Quadcopter Bundle, which includes the Gimbal, Backpack, Battery, and 8 Propellers, is currently ON SALE at Droneworld for R23 995.

You can see that sale HERE – pretty pricey.


We’re not the type to complete a purchase before doing a little shopping around, which is why the snooping begins.

Lo and behold, look what we find over on Amazon. It’s only the same Solo Quadcopter Bundle, complete with all the goodies, selling for $599 (R8 715 at $1=R14,55).

HERE is your proof – but if you’re on the ball you’ll see that they only ship within the United States. Some people might throw in the towel here, but we’re better than that.

We asked the team at Postbox Courier, the revolutionary service that is changing the game, to see how much it would cost for them to organise that Quadcopter finding its way to us.

Copter – $599 / R8 715.45

Sales Tax – $53.16 / R773.48

Shipping – $125.00 / R1 818.75

Clearance – $125.00

Import VAT – R1 342.18

Disbursement – R67.11

Total R12 841.97

See that, a little digging and some know-how and you’re getting that drone for nearly half the price.

Here’s the clincher – you click order and make your purchase, from which point Postbox Courier handles every element of getting that package promptly delivered to your door.

No more paying over the odds for imports, no more squabbling with shipping companies over prices – that’s not your job, you just brush up on your drone skills.


You’ll be pleased to know the owners of Postbox Courier are South African. You’re in very safe hands, because you know they’re looking out for you.




Postbox Courier is reliable, quick and easy to use – just follow their simple steps:

  1. Sign Up
    Register free of charge with Postbox Courier via their website. They will assign you with a Personal Postbox at each of our worldwide depots. Look out for the confirmation email which provides a link to activate your account.
  2. Sign In
    Once you have activated your account, you will be able to login to view your unique Postbox addresses, by clicking the “View your Personal Postbox addresses” banner. Your addresses are permanent, so you can save them and start sending items to your Postbox!
  3. Notify us of incoming items
    Each time you send something to Postbox Courier, please notify them via the Parcel Pre-Alert (in your Parcel Manager).
  4. Manage your orders
    You can ship single items or multiple pieces combined into a single shipment. If you do wish to consolidate orders from different suppliers (in the same origin country), you will be able to do so in your Parcel Manager. Just notify them of each shipment that is en-route to your Postbox, and then use the ‘Group’ button to let them know which items you wish to combine.
  5. Pay for shipping
    Once they receive the items that correspond with your booking they’ll let you know via email and invite you to login to your Parcel Manager and make payment, upon which they will courier your items to your door within South Africa immediately.

It’s too easy.