Thursday, March 27, 2025

September 1, 2016

Social Media Says This Playboy Video Featuring A Guess Model Is ‘Vulgar’ – What Do You Think?

An underwear ad in Australia has been banned after being labelled amateur porn. The model herself is fuming, and the debate continues to rage.

If you have ever seen a Guess ad, you know their typical model type.

Luscious lips, thick blonde hair, and curvaceous bodies adorned in jean-wear feature in the pages of glossy fashion mags – and at times are even placed on the coveted back page.

Now, an ad that one of their “Guess Girls” has starred in is being blasted over in Australia and the model is not impressed.

Simone Holtznagel featured in an underwear ad for Playboy’s lingerie brand ‘Bras ‘N Things’. It was a video that played in their stores’ windows over in Australia, but was banned after someone complained about it being too sexy.

In fact, they called it “vulgar”.

I mean, it is sexy, but we are talking about Playboy lingerie after all:

Complaints were directed to the Advertising Standards Bureau labelling the ad as”amateur porn” , many saying Holtznagel was “not merely modelling the underwear, they were moving suggestively, gyrating and looking lasciviously at the camera … It was a demeaning and embarrassing display.”


If anyone was unimpressed, it was Simone. Sharing the video and a long reply on her Instagram account, she lashed out.

Here’s a snippet – read the full one below:

There is none of that here. How dare you sexualize my body. How dare- after all society’s requests- you take a confident and carefree depiction of a normal, healthy womanly body, promoting women’s products to women, and deem it offensive. Do not impress your insecurities on me, whether physical or sexual. But by saying my body, just comfortably being my body, is somehow ‘wrong’ or ‘dirty’ you are insulting and potentially damaging any woman who may identify with me.

Shoutout to the prude who complained about my “vulgar” “amateur porn” advertisement for the amazing Australian brand Bras and Things and had the clip banned from stores. Honestly, it’s just soooo offensive to show a confident, sexy WOMAN () in her LINGERIE () in the window of a (plot twist) – LINGERIE STORE!!!! Won’t somebody please think of the children?! I mean it’s just truly outrageous The definition of porn is ‘material containing the explicit description or display of sex organs or activity.’ There is none of that here. How dare you sexualize my body. How dare- after all society’s requests- you take a confident and carefree depiction of a normal, healthy womanly body, promoting women’s products to women, and deem it offensive. Do not impress your insecurities on me, whether physical or sexual. But by saying my body, just comfortably being my body, is somehow ‘wrong’ or ‘dirty’ you are insulting and potentially damaging any woman who may identify with me. Keep your neuroses off my body and go watch some REAL porn, you might be less uptight ✋ Some people really do have too much time on their hands. I see people wearing less on the street and in shopping centers these days and this woman is complaining about a tasteful, beautiful advertisement which is not only showcasing the gorgeous lingerie but also showcases body confidence and embracing the feminine form! So deepest apologies to the poor soul who was so offended by my “vulgar” behavior.. But I shall continue on in being fearlessly me and embracing my curves and my confidence, and I encourage all women to do the same – and if that’s so wrong then I don’t want to be right ✨✨ (Y)

A video posted by Simone Holtznagel (@moannn) on

I just think the ad is way too high quality for it to be “amateur” porn. Maybe “soft” porn, but seriously?
