Sunday, March 23, 2025

August 23, 2016

DJI Phantom Is The Preferred Drone For Smuggling Drugs Into Prisons

Drones have been caught taking contraband into a UK prison, and by the looks of it each load was pretty stacked with goodies for the inmates.

It didn’t take long for drones to enter the realm of illegal activities – and, no, I am not talking about the killing of thousands of innocent civilians.

In London, police seized two drones loaded with drugs and cell phones on their way towards the Pentonville jail in Islington. Officers discovered the load during an investigation into smuggled contraband found within the prison.

Suspicions rose when, while out on patrol, police spotted a man near the jail acting suspiciously. Although he fled the scene, he dropped two bags containing Class B drugs and cell phones.

The next day, the police recovered a drone they had tracked flying over the prison.

They were later alerted to another drone flying towards the prison and it was stopped in mid-flight, also carrying drugs and phones.



I am shocked that drones would be able to fly in and make such a drop, as the noise they make is so awfully distracting.

Speaking of drones, if you need aerial shots chat our mates over at DronePhoto. No drugs, just great photos.
