#HandsOffCaster, yo.
The 25-year-old athlete will run in today’s 800 metre event starting at 3:55PM, with her exact race time set to start at 4:02PM, and you can bet the world’s media will be waiting to cast doubt on her achievements.
The scrutiny this poor woman has had to face, every step of the way to what we hope will be Olympic gold, means I’m not going to rehash her story.
Some headlines for your perusal though – Sports Illustrated with “Is it fair for Caster Semenya to compete against women at Rio?”, and the Daily Mail with “Should Caster Semenya be allowed to compete as a woman?”.
TimesLive have a rundown of why those headlines can bugger right off HERE, but we’ll leave those and instead take a look at one of the cartoons doing the rounds.
Caster has been revelling in the support from SA, posting this to her Facebook page just before 2PM:
So where to watch the race? Well it will be on SuperSport 4 live, but this link below should also do the trick if you’re in the office and on the down-low.
Just click and close all those annoying popups (the X’s) and hit play…
Give them hell, Caster.