Friday, March 21, 2025

August 11, 2016

GOLD: The Best Olympics News Bloopers Of All Time [Video]

News bloopers are one of the perils of the job, but when you're reporting live things can quickly go south. Here's a few that have earned Olympic gold.

Journalists who are in Rio covering the Olympics have their hands full, viewers back home gobbling up every soundbite they can send their way.

That need to keep the content coming, and the live nature of many of the broadcasts, does mean that there are some real clangers in the mix.

From botching names to swearing live on air, this compilation below sums up the perils that come with covering the Olympics.

Still not as cringe as watching any 12-minute segment of ANN7 though, but those aren’t really the kind of standards you want to measure yourself against.
