We can always rely on the ever-informative and insightful Max du Preez to put his analysis of South Africa’s political situation out there.
While many cynics have attributed the DA’s win to a backing down of black voters, and a whole lot of white voters getting their ass into gear, du Preez suggests otherwise, proposing a new era of political governance has begun in South Africa and that we should all take note.
Here’s a snippet of his column, ‘The post-post-apartheid era has started’, on News24:
…last week’s local election is very different from all the others. Words like “watershed” and “fundamental shift” come to mind. For the first time since we became a democracy we can say for certain that the political landscape would never be the same. The post-post-apartheid era has started; liberation movement politics are so 2007.
It is fair to say (fair, not popular) that DA leader Mmusi Maimane has emerged from this election as a genuine national role player and his party as a substantial political force.
President Jacob Zuma and other ANC and EFF politicians’ insults that Maimane was simply a black front for a white party and a stooge have boomeranged badly. It is a good sign that many voters didn’t take this kind of racial insult seriously.
The final analysis still has to be made, but it does appear that the DA could have received a million or so votes from black South Africans and a good majority of so-called coloured and Indian voters.
Only 8.4% of South Africans are white (8.8% “coloured” and 2.5% Indian) and yet the DA received just short of 27% of the vote. This does appear to point to growing black support and not only in the cities.
And what on the future of JZ?
A Zuma successor could possibly win over most of his rural support, but Zuma can never regain the support of the majority of urban black South Africans.
I hear whispers of secret Zuma-exit meetings and I hope for the sake of the country – and the ANC – that these strategies will be successful in the next few months.
Hey comrades, if you’re concerned about your future rather than just your next pay cheque, jump ship now or go down with Number One.
What do you think? Read the rest HERE.