Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Cristiano Ronaldo And MMA Fighter Conor McGregor Had A Shirtless Pissing Contest [Video]

Before you get too excited they didn't actually whip them out and urinate, but they did enjoy some banter about who has a private jet and who doesn't.

Cristiano Ronaldo – current European champion for club and country.

Conor McGregor – what happens when the characters from the movie Snatch enter the real world.

Of course the two superegos would eventually cross paths, and where better than Las Vegas for the meeting.

Apparently Cristiano Ronaldo was in town for Jennifer Lopez’s birthday party – my condolences – and popped in at the gym to visit the MMA fighter.

I’ll let you in on a secret – nothing of any interest happens until around the 2:55 mark. And if it’s shirtless Ronaldo you’re after, that’s right at the end.
