Tuesday, March 11, 2025

July 26, 2016

Want To Strengthen Your Relationship? Have You Tried Getting Smashed Together?

Every relationship ends up on the rocks at some point, but maybe one of the keys to a happy home is a few toots here and there.

Everyone knows that couple, that pair, for whom a night of drinking can quickly go south.

I call them the ‘fight or f**k’ couple, because it’s only ending one of two ways.

Well it turns out that may actually be the exception to the rule, because apparently those who drink together stay together. Sort of, according to a recent survey conducted by the University of Michigan.

The Telegraph unpacks that survey:

…couples with similar drinking habits are happier than those in which one person is lining up their third negroni while the other one is nursing a fizzy water and a grudge. But, still, what a turn-up! So long as you are in sync, you are effectively working at the relationship. You could be doing couples yoga, or fell walking, or tantric sex, or, alternatively, you could be getting quietly sloshed – because that’s also a bonding activity. Result.

Sure, but the survey does come with a little warning:

Hangovers are not particularly good for relationships, especially the nervy sort when you begin to question every choice you have made in life and then get an overwhelming urge to look for your lost earrings.

I guess you just have to find a way to soothe that hangover in the morning. A couple of ideas come to mind, but I’m not going to do your dirty work for you…
