Monday, March 17, 2025

It Might Be Too Late For Apple To Fix One Of The iPhone’s Biggest Features

As our phones become more and more able to run every aspect of our lives, how is it that we still lag behind in one vitally important area?

The other day I was driving back from a day spent out in the countryside, because that’s part of the joy of living in the Cape, and I decided I needed to pop into the pharmacy.

It was a Sunday, which left me wondering exactly which ones would be open. I’m a big believer in saving contacts, but now I must rifle through the ‘Contacts’ section (the most important on the phone – deal with it) searching for pharmacies and their numbers.

What were they saved as? Must I make each call individually now? It’s been a while since I actually rang these numbers, are some of them going to have changed?

In 2016, with all the apps and gadgets doing the rounds, why can we not have a feature that organises our contacts in some kind of orderly way?

You’d think Apple or another industry leader would have made a way to group numbers, form a category or something of that nature but no, you’d be wrong.

I’ve just about had enough of it, which is why us 2OV peeps are now using Connecto.

You want to search for the pharmacies you use? You open the app, you select your business directory, you click ‘Health & Wellness’.

From this screen:


To this screen:


Bloom’s Chemist – tap…


Bang, everything I need to know and I ring straight from the app.

Another great feature, and one that’s vitally important – when any kind of detail changes, like opening times or phone numbers, the app AUTOMATICALLY UPDATES all the info so you’re kept up to speed.

Example two, to drive home why we’re never again going to rummage through our contacts.

Let’s say this rain is causing some paint peel around the house, and it’s time for another coat.  So did you save those guys as ‘Painter Good’, ‘June 2013 Painters’, ‘Home Painters’?

We all do it, but now it’s as simple as adding the contact to your Connecto Directory and they’re a button tap away.

Just head into ‘Home Services’ and have all the peeps you use around the house ready at the tap of a button.


New to an area, or have a friend whose judgement you trust? Add their directory to yours, hassle-free, and you can view all of their business listings.

Sometimes we don’t have to wait for the likes of Apple to solve all our life problems, you just need a savvy app like Connecto and a little inside knowledge.

One final nudge in the right direction – follow our directory (HERE) because, well, we’re old pros at this game.