The story of DB Cooper is a truly American tale – decades of conjecture, conspiracy theories, folks trying to take credit and pose as the daredevil criminal and the FBI left mostly scratching their heads.
A brief overview on the case of DB then: back in 1971 he leapt out of a Boeing 727 he had hijacked, $200 000 of ransom money on his person, wearing simply a business suit and a parachute.
He was never seen again.
That failure to dig up any major, credible evidence has seen the FBI drop news that will disappoint those still looking for answers. The Daily Beast below:
…the bureau says they have reassigned the lone agent working on the case “to other mysteries within the federal agency,” essentially sending that person to check out more promising X-Files…
No sign of Cooper has emerged, though bundles of his cash, matched by serial numbers, were found in 1980.
The FBI says it has conducted searches, collected all available evidence and interviewed all identified witnesses. It says it’s chased an immense number of tips but none have resulted in identifying the hijacker.
“Although the FBI will no longer actively investigate this case, should specific physical evidence emerge—related specifically to the parachutes or the money taken by the hijacker—individuals with those materials are asked to contact their local FBI field office,” said the bureau in a statement.
Well DB, who was almost certainly worm food somewhere in the forests of Northwestern America many years ago, looks like yours is a mystery never to be solved.