It’s amazing that in this day and age bullfighting is still a thing, yet it remains so popular over in Spain that they broadcast it live on TV.
Spare a thought then for the family of 29-year-old Victor Barrio, gored to death by a bull in the country’s eastern Aragon region.
As you can expect this one is pretty graphic so bear that in mind…
What happens next? They kill the mother of the bull responsible for the attack, although people are suitably outraged. Here’s the Telegraph:
Traditionally, the mother of a bull that kills a matador is slaughtered to “kill off the bloodline”.
In an effort to save Lorenza, the mother of the bull that killed Mr Barrio, thousands of people have taken to Twitter to support a campaign set up by animal rights political party, PACMA.
“No rite, tradition or custom based on a succession of deaths, fed by the blood and hatred, can be good for any society,” it said on Facebook. “We only know one ethical end to end all this: the total abolition of bullfighting festivities”…
While the bull Lorenzo is understood to have been slaughtered, the fate of his mother has not yet been confirmed.
I doubt as much of a stink will be kicked up as in the aftermath of Harambe the gorilla’s killing, and I doubt the world will universally mourn the loss of a bullfighter.