Friday, March 21, 2025

This Political Party’s Plan For The Western Cape To Leave South Africa Is Very Real

The conversation around the Western Cape breaking away from SA has always been a little tongue-in-cheek. Now these guys are taking it to the ballot box.

When the results of the UK’s Brexit vote was announced, ZANews wrote a satirical piece on how it had inspired certain residents of Cape Town to create a “Cexit”, or a Cape Town exit from South Africa.

Low and behold, there really is a party who plans to leave, and they are called the Cape Party. If the Cape Party gets 5 000 votes in the next general election, they intend to start working towards “freeing” the province from South Africa.

Party leader Jack Miller said in a statement on Thursday:

While the jury might still be out on the long-term effects of Brexit (Britain’s exit from the European Union), the positive implications and effects of the Western Cape seceding from the greater South Africa are indisputable, hence our CapeExit strategy for this coming local election.

It’s called Cexit. Classic!

Aapparently they do not expect to win, but are hoping for the minimum vote so that they can have a say in the running of the “Cape Nation” – as Jack Miller calls it.

The party has existed since 2007, and there are currently about 10 candidates contesting for more than 40 wards in the region. They even have a website.

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CHeck out the “Info Room”:

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Legally there is nothing stopping the Western Cape from leaving the country, and it would allow the fully-independent “Cape Nation” to negotiate its own international trading agreements. Jack continues:

This would mean it would not be susceptible to the blanket tarring of the brush from national government’s ’emotionally driven economic policy’, which runs the risk of the country being downgraded to junk status, something which would be avoided by the Cape being on its own.

It would be possible to cut taxes and double the services.

It is our contention that the ruling party (the DA), politically and economically, discriminates against the majority of the Cape people.

Whether you think it’s a crazy idea or worthy of your vote, it sure has potential to create a real stir.

[source: businesstech]