Bill and Warren, sitting in a tree, and the next thing you know the two unlikely friends become besties.
It has been 25 years since the two billionaires first met and, to pay tribute to their ever-blossoming friendship, Bill Gates wrote a short tribute to Warren Buffett on his blog, gatesnotes.
It’s incredibly touching and personal, and provides insight into a friendship that would otherwise be kept private.
Here’s the first section:
I don’t remember the exact day I first met most of my friends, but with Warren Buffett I do. It was 25 years ago today: July 5, 1991.
I think the date stands out in my mind so clearly because it marked the beginning of a new and unexpected friendship for Melinda and me—one that has changed our lives for the better in every imaginable way.
Warren has helped us do two things that are impossible to overdo in one lifetime: learn more and laugh more.
Over the last quarter-century of our friendship, we’ve done a lot of both. Melinda and I often find ourselves recounting some gem of wisdom Warren shared with us, or, chuckling when we recall something funny he said or did.
To mark the anniversary of our friendship, I thought I would share some of my favorite memories of our time together.
Read the rest of the touching tribute HERE and try not shed a tear.
[source: gatesnotes]