Tuesday, March 11, 2025

UPDATE: Mysterious ‘Arms Cache’ Found On Clifton Beach [Photo]

It's not every day you find what looks like a stash of weapons along the finest beach stretch South Africa has to offer. So what are we dealing with here?

[Scroll to the bottom for the update, or else get with the program and start from the top]

Ah Clifton hey, where the city’s beautiful people go to see and be seen.

Well all isn’t always as it seems though, because it looks like there might be something rather underhanded going on along that stretch of pristine beach.

We’re not in the habit of speculating, but we do like to open things up to the floor to see if anyone out there has some inside knowledge.

So how about this, just sent in, from a reader?

Hi guys,

One of the security guards based at Clifton 3rd beach sent me the attached image. Maybe worth checking out? Gun running, etc!

Normally would be very skeptical of just the image but I trust the guard very much and I also spoke to him at the time.

He called the cops and they collected it.

Take a look for yourself…


If you know anything, or can add some detail to this story, drop us a line at editor@2oceansvibe.com.

UPDATE: Someone with the inside scoop did know a little something, so we’ll publish parts of that email below:

Good day,

The items where not real, the guns and the grenade was plastic toys.

Please could i request that you post an article that states that fact…

I was on scene and deemed the weapons to be not real.

I called the explosive team as i was not prepared to take any chances with that.

They made the call after inspection that the grenade and other items were plastic and essentially toys.

Thanks for the update, like we mentioned before we aren’t weapons experts so we’ll take your word for it.

Then again, who is walking around Clifton Beach with a briefcase full of fake guns and grenades? What is the use of this, and what is their end game?

And, perhaps most alarmingly, is the Zam-Buk fake too? Just what kind of monsters are we dealing with here?