If you’re one of the many believers in the Lizard King, or that humans have a reptilian past, or that there are some shape-shifting reptiles among us, then this one is for you.
During a live Q&A hosted on his claim-to-fame via its live video-streaming programme, Mark Zuckerberg opened up the platform to answer questions from the general public.
While others asked about Facebook’s artificial intelligence and Zuckerberg’s entrepreneurship, one asked whether he was actually a reptile disguised as a human.
Acid will do that to you.
Zuckerberg read the question aloud before answering:
‘Mark, are the allegations true that you’re secretly a lizard?’
I’m gonna have to go with ‘no’ on that. I am not a lizard.
Zuckerberg then called it a “very silly question” and moved on to less “silly” topics like techno-telepathic thought sharing.
But it’s not a silly question, it is actually very real and Zuckerberg isn’t the first well-known person to have received it. Reports Washington Post:
In 2011, for instance, former defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld repeatedly refused to acknowledge comedian Louis C.K. on a radio show, as he pestered Rumsfeld about being a “flesh-eating” lizard alien.
New Zealand’s prime minister John Key took the question more seriously than others:
Three years later, New Zealand’s prime minister, John Key, was forced to tackle the scenario head-on after an Auckland citizen filed an official Information Act request.
“To the best of my knowledge, no. Having been asked that question directly, I’ve taken the unusual step of not only seeing a doctor but a vet, and both have confirmed I’m not a reptile,” Key said, according to New Zealand’s Newshub. “So I’m certainly not a reptile. I’ve never been in a spaceship, never been in outer space, and my tongue’s not overly long either.”
I blame Jim Morrison. And acid.
[source: washingtonpost]