Thursday, March 6, 2025

June 20, 2016

This Is Why Jack Parow Is Seriously Badass [Video]

You'd be forgiven for thinking that Jack Parow might struggle to live up to his badass persona - this should clarify a few things for you.

You’d be forgiven for thinking that perhaps Jack Parow might struggle to live up to his badass persona, when in private. This should clarify a few things for you.

Not so, as you’ll see by this video taken of Jack Parow hanging out at Cartel House, during a recent visit to the 2oceansvibe head office and radio studio.

We had some Barista red wine handy, which is so good it’s “badass.” So we thought we would offer it to Mr. Badass himself, Jack Parow, at 10 in the morning.

This was the result.

He’s a class act, old Jack Parow!

Needless to say he wouldn’t leave Cartel House until we gave him a case of badass Barista!



This Is The Biggest Problem With Fancy Cape Town Members Clubs – In years gone by I would often hear people talking about the ‘members only’ clubs that they belonged to and all the wondrous benefits they enjoyed. “Oh but it’s so old and esteemed” went the typical conversation, “it’s been around for well over 100 years now.” [read]