Monday, February 24, 2025

They Reckon These Pics Of Taylor Swift And Tom Hiddleston Are Staged

News of Taylor Swift's new romance made many people sad over Youth Day, but it may all be for show.

Perhaps the images of Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston’s make out sesh ruined your Youth Day, too, but probably not.

On a personal note, however, I was devastated – only because Tom Hiddleston is my celeb crush, and I loathe TSwift.

Just look at the pictures:

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But of course all was scandalised by The Sun, with a cheesy headline and that “World Exclusive” tagline:

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However, once the media frenzy suggesting the latest celeb couple died down, people started blasting them for staging the whole thing:

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But remember the two danced the night away at the Met Gala?

Megan Garber from The Atlantic puts spins like this into beautiful context:

What that amounts to is a celebrity-journalism spin on the old saying that “comment is free, but facts are sacred.” It was the naked (or, in this case, the chunky-sweater-wearing) facts—Taylor and Tom, together, on some rocks—that mattered more than the ancillary truths about their real relationship or how it may or may not have come about. The Sun’s photos claimed to “reveal a secret romance”; their real purpose, however, was to titillate people with the mere idea that Taylor and Tom might be a couple. It was to give people an excuse to do what they will do any time a new celebrity couple, whether Brangelina or Gigi-and-Zayn or Bennifers I or II, emerges: create nicknames (Hiddleswift! Or maybeTomlor?​ ​Or Hiddley Swiddley Swiffleton?); generate memes; fantasize about the mergings and clashings of fandoms; ask questions about what the new union might mean for Taylor’s song-writing and for Tom’s Bond prospects and for their respective exes and, in general, for the status of the space-time continuum.

The point of the images was, in other words, to inspire fan fiction. The pictures served not as a story unto themselves, as the Sun claimed, but rather as a prompt for participation in the new form of literature that has emerged on the internet: a genre that invites fans to fill in the blanks with their own ideas and hatreds and hopes and truths.

And fan fiction was indeed created. You may have noticed that rock pile that was third-wheeling in the photographs. Well…
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At least we know what they are.

In the meantime, Taylor’s ex Calvin Harris just deleted all images of her on his social media accounts.

[source: theatlantic&fusion&telegraph]