Someone’s going to be rocking out in style with their new Vilebrequin swimming trunks, and whilst competition was stiff one entry really stood out from the rest.
We asked you a pretty straightforward combo – where you’re going and why you need a pair of Vilebrequin trunks – and a chap calling himself Shady E sent in this gem:
I happen to be heading off to the med in June, where I will get an abundance of use of a shiny new pair of Vilebrequins (or Brequins as they are known as in my home).
‘Stunning’ you may say; but I presume many of your readers will be doing the same, so to up the Ante, in return for said pair, I will also use them during the week of 4 July, where I will be in Siberia.
The average temperature in Siberia is single digits, and the lakes are often frozen over. Seeing a pasty, overweight me freezing my man-boobs off in a brightly coloured pair of swim-pant in a Siberian lake will be highly entertaining, and I vow to you that it will get the Social Media coverage it deserves, giving credit to both 2OV for the Prize, as well as Vilebrequin for the shorts. That’s right, I will back pack my debt to you, as nothing comes for free these days.
C’mon Henk, do the right thing, be a man that your parents can be proud of, stand up for your rights and give me those bloody shorts.
We applaud your bravery Shady E, and you will be rewarded for it.
Thanks to everyone who entered, to us you guys are all winners.
The original post below:
So you’re escaping the freezing Cape winter and heading north for some sun and fun. We don’t blame you, it seems that each day the sun rises a little later and the clouds setting over Table Mountain look a little more ominous.
It’s fine, we know you’ll be back, but just to make sure you look the part on your overseas jaunt we’ll kit you out in the swimwear trunks that the rich and famous can’t get enough of.
We’re talking about Vilebrequin, and if you haven’t heard of them before you need to check out their site HERE.
Some of the trunks we’re rather fond of:
Winning is easy and here’s how you do it – tell us where you’re going and why you need a pair of Vilebrequin trunks.
Email your answer to, and the best answer wins a pair of these iconic swimwear trunks of their choice.
The competition will close next Friday, May 27, so get yours in ASAP.
See that, take your pick from the selection (HERE) and make the most of all that sunny goodness.