Sunday, March 16, 2025

Massive News From Eskom Regarding Load Shedding This Winter

Remember when you had to keep a constant eye on just when your home would be plunged into darkness? Ah, those were the days.

Got your electric blanket at the ready, with a few backup options in place, waiting for winter to set in good and proper?

Well according to Eskom you don’t need to worry about load shedding, the company saying that they have stabilised and will not need to shut down grids in the coming months.

Fin24 reports:

“We are happy to report that Eskom has stabilised and we don’t anticipate load shedding in winter and summer,” said Eskom chief executive Brian Molefe.

He was speaking during the power utility’s quarterly system status briefing that was held in Cape Town. Eskom is targeting a maintenance budget of 11 500 WM in winter and 8 500 MW in summer.

“The system is no longer controlling us, we are controlling it.”

Good news indeed, although is this just another case of a ticking time bomb until the wheels come off again?

Over the next five years, Eskom’s capacity expansion programme will increase generation capacity by 17 384 MW, transmission lines by 9 756km and substation capacity by 42 470 MVA.

“This will enable us to provide security of electricity supply to South African homes and businesses, powering economic expansion and extending electricity to millions of households.”

That doesn’t mean you should waste power, let’s just make that clear before you crank up the heater and leave all those lights on.

Baby steps Eskom, if you can stick to your word there will be plenty of happy South Africans this winter.

