Saturday, March 22, 2025

Hectic UK ‘Leave EU’ Group Posts Controversial Video, Featuring Donald Trump’s ‘Snake’ Poem Voiceover

A "Brexit" advocate group has used a narrative piece from ol' Trump as a soundtrack for their latest propaganda campaign. Believe.

Some Brits really don’t want to be a part of the EU. For whatever reason, there are various groups that are “non-political” and advocating the vote to leave.

But now, the level of the campaign rhetoric has descended to that of grotesque racism and one can only wonder how much of Trump’s anti-Muslim squabble has influenced them.

One of the main groups, Leave.EU, are promoting a video featuring the wannabe USA president’s voice. Posting the video on its official Facebook group, it starts off with calm, picturesque footage of Britain, only to transcend into the violent outburst seen all over the EU since the “invasion” of refugees.

And the soundtrack is Donald Trump narrating lyrics from a song about a poisonous snake that bites and kills a woman who is foolish enough to take him into her home.

How deep is that. Watch the video below and see for yourself:

[source: thedailybeast]