There’s a certain someone in the office who calls today ‘Comedown Tuesday’.
The reasoning goes something like this – on Mondays you’re still amped from a good weekend and the office is full of stories, but Tuesday the reality hits home and it’s all about trying to look busy whilst the clock slowly ticks over.
However you look at Tuesdays (we’d suggest with a more positive outlook) you probably needed a cup of coffee to get the ball rolling this morning, and you may have had yours made by someone we call a Badass Barista.
Following on from yesterday’s entry (HERE) check out this latest peach sent in by a reader for our Badass Barista competition, along with this email:
Hi Seth,
Sorry about the purple colour, but this man makes some of the finest coffee in Cape Town, which makes him pretty badass.
House of Machines, Loop street is where it’s at.
We’ll look past all that purple due to those killer coffee-making skills, your picture is now in the running for that lekker prize.
If you’re not familiar with the competition here’s everything you need to know:
All you have to do is spot a ‘Badass Barista’ (check HERE for some tips), take a picture and email it in to We will select a winner each month who will receive two boxes of Barista Wines – one red and one white.
You can also use the #BadassBarista and tag @2oceansvibe on Twitter and Instagram to enter.
Once we publish the monthly winning picture the barista in question has 24 hours to contact us and prove they are the person in the photo, in which case they will take home the wine.
You know you don’t have to be covert, you could just tell your favourite barista that you think they’re badass and ask for a picture. Who knows, maybe if you win you split your winnings down the middle?
Take that Comedown Tuesday, be gone with yourself.