Thursday, March 27, 2025

April 1, 2016

And They’re Off! Here Are Some Top April Fools’ Pranks Already Doing The Rounds

Guess what, it's the 1st April so whatever you're reading today, just think twice about its legitimacy.

I was doing so well this morning. Consciously aware of the date and reading through my timeline, I was sifting through the “definitely”, “maybe”, and “okay, that’s news” posts.

As soon as I hit the office however, I started reading a post from Helen Zille out loud in the office when Kiernan kindly decided to say “April Fools”. Gosh! She was talking about the blue light brigade receiving remotes to control the robots:

Premier Helen Zille announced today that as an alternative to using blue lights, members of the Western Cape Cabinet will each receive a remote-control device to change the traffic light (or robots) from red to green as they approach.

To help the (sometimes) gullible like me, TIME will be constantly updating their page with April Fools’ Day jokes throughout today just so you don’t go believing everything people tell you. Here are our favourite so far:
  • New words in Oxford Dictionaries, such as:
  1. LOYO (abbreviation meaning “laughing on your own”)
  2. fanishment (noun meaning “the state of being blocked by a celebrity on social media”)
  3. Leo’d (Leonardo DiCaprio’s name as a verb, meaningto achieve something after years of trying”)
  • Lexus introduces Velcro seats. Drivers must wear a special suit to sit in them: “While all performance cars use seat bolsters to hold a driver in place during aggressive maneuvering, we’re taking it a step further. In this case, the technology we’re employing is actually over 75 years old.”

  • Metromile’s walking insurance to “cover customers in the event of being caught in an unexpected rainstorm, losing footing, wearing out socks and shoes and more.”
  • Google’s same-day delivery service Google Express‘s deliveries via parachute.
  • An app for the gym chain Anytime Fitness that allows people who own fitness equipment to open up their homes to people who don’t belong to a gym.
  • Toy version of the Tough Mudder obstacle course called Electroshock Therapy, a “compact and lightweight toy that packs over 20,000 volts of electricity,” allowing thrill-seekers to “train for the obstacle at work, at your home, with your children.”
  • The restaurant reservation site Open Table‘s app feature that allows users to lick photos of food (aka “food porn”) on their mobile devices to taste them.
  • Food delivery site GrubHub’s new ride-share service in which customers can hitch a ride with its delivery drivers.
  • Dating app from CanvasPop that matches users based on the Facebook photos they chose to turn into prints.

While the list keeps growing, just make sure to keep your wits about you and let us know which pranks you have come across. Good luck out there!

[source: time]