Tuesday, March 18, 2025

March 31, 2016

CLASSIC: These Zapiro Cartoons Tell The Nkandla Story Brilliantly

The battle between JZ and Zapiro has been a long-standing battle, but it looks like the cartoonist may be having the last laugh. His best efforts here.

Everyone knows that cartoonist Zapiro and Jacob Zuma aren’t ever going to see eye to eye, the line in the sand long since drawn.

One of Jonathan Shapiro’s favourite topics over the years has been Nkandla, some of his earlier musings on the matter dating as far back as 2012.

Now, with the help of the Sunday Times, we can run through some of his gems – the cartoons summing up what has been a long-running fiasco. Let’s start way back when then:

October 9, 2012


November 22, 2012


October 13, 2013


March 18, 2014


August 24, 2014


July 23, 2015


February 4, 2016


March 31, 2016


I’m pretty sure wherever Zapiro is at present he’s rather chuffed with the day’s events.

I guess sometimes the pen really is mightier than the spear.
