Friday, March 14, 2025

Here’s CCTV Footage Of Trump’s Campaign Manager Allegedly Grabbing The Reporter’s Arm [Video]

Trump probably gets a really good night's sleep: His Twitter game, although strong, is an insight into the lies he tells himself just before he hits the pillow.

Donald Trump is the most awful human being in the US elections that have pretty much taken the form of a reality TV show. While he eggs on haters with unconventional methods of rallying support, those who decide to enter his fictional game will either be hurt or triumphed.

Yet another incident in the Trump chronicle sees his campaign manager Coery Lewandowski charged with simple battery after handling a reporter who was supposedly getting in the way of Trump. The incident occurred in March when he allegedly grabbed a female reporter’s arm. You can see it in the video.

The reporter, Michelle Fields, filed a complaint alleging the incident and both Trump and Lewandowski denied the incident. Albeit, very badly. Fields tweeted at both the men showing her bruises early March:

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Lewandowski claimed the incident never happened and said he had never even met Fields:

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But when the local police got hold of the CCTV footage, there was legit evidence over Fields’ claim. Lewandowski was flabbergasted, but not as much as Donald:

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Now he hates reporters – basically the people who have provided him with the lime light that makes his skin glow with such potent orange hues.

[source: mashable]