Friday, March 21, 2025

Can Anyone Beat Jeremy Loops’ Epic Facebook Humblebrag?

If you follow Mr Loops on any of his social media platforms you might realise that he has got the humblebrag down - but who else is as good?

Jeremy Loops is Cape Town’s very own celebrity. Hailing from the Deep South, from a little seaside town called Kommetjie, he has made his name known world wide by using a looping technique to make his music. But you probably know this if you have ever been to one of his shows as he explains his “looping” process is as if he was the first person to ever do it.

Now, not only has Ol’ Loops mastered the looping process, but he has definitely mastered the humblebrag. In fact, it’s the way he promotes himself across all his social media platforms. Check out this gem, where he wrote about what it feels like to be on stage. He was attempting to point out that no matter what kind of art you create, your personal achievements feel no difference, whether it’s a chord change, or performing in front of thousands. Here’s how it began:

I meet many young songwriters and musicians with stars in their eyes who ask me how it feels to perform on big stages to big crowds.

I tell them it’s magical. I say ‘it’s about as magical as when you’re writing songs all by yourself and you figure out that chord change you’ve been stuck on or you come up with a little lyrical turn of phrase and crack a wry smile to yourself. They’re equally magical, but just different.’

Interpretation: in case you weren’t aware, I’m quite big.

Here’s the full spiel:


We applaud Jeremy Loops for such a masterful take on the modern day humblebrag. He must know what he is doing because it is so good. Here’s another line:

Merely creating your art is every bit as magical as when other people respond to it.

If you visit his Facebook, Instagram and Twitter profiles, you might just see more from the master of the humblebrag. In case you’re a bit lost, this is what we mean by that word, thanks Urban Dictionary for clearing it up:

Screen Shot 2016-03-22 at 8.19.14 AM

We want to know if you are aware of any other local celebs who are as good at the humblebrag as Jeremy Loops? Send them in to and if we publish them you’ll get a voucher to play the overseas lottery. 

Thanks, Dan, for the Facebook screenshot.