Drones have become a part of many people’s lives, allowing them to go beyond just capturing a panoramic / video / selfie from a level your arm can reach to take the camera to those out-of-reach places. Now, people are taking “dronies” (can we just stop). The concept is to start close, taking a “selfie” and then fly the drone up, up and away, capturing the world around you from a bird-eye’s view.
The video we have here is a little montage of fantastic examples of what scenes people have captured, from surfing to proposing (check how he can’t concentrate on her, but is zoned into the drone) to the ultimate “Shark Dronie” (too epic).
If you hop over to the world of Instagram, there are over 17 000 posts with the #dronie. While some are mere stills and other full on videos, it is quite beautiful how it captures more than just you, but is able to document the days around you.
[source: time]