Friday, March 14, 2025

March 8, 2016

Video And Stills From The Annual Naked Bicycle Ride In Cape Town

Braving the cooler outdoors and peering eyes, a flock of activists got naked to highlight the importance of looking after our planet Earth.

On Saturday morning, as the Cape weather announced that autumn is definitely here, more than 400 people joined in on a free clothing-optional bike ride through the City. While the event actually isn’t about nudity – but rather an event that highlights the benefits of a safer, cleaner, car-free society – it had people oo-ing and aa-ing at the sights of shlongs and tits flying free.


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In its 7th year here in Cape Town, the Naked Bike Rides is a global movement that started back in 2004. It takes place annually at different times in both the Northern and Southern hemispheres, bringing attention to how important it is to take care of our planet Earth.

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Riding along the Sea Point Promenade and through the CBD, people dress up or down, but either way it is centred on the birthday suit and human-powered transport.

A video posted by Rachelle jate (@rachellejate) on


A video posted by Up Cycles (@upcycles) on

[source: traveller24]