As it goes here at 2oceansvibe, we got thrown into a situation we just couldn’t say no to: For Valentine’s Day, our dear Chelsea was to be pleasantly surprised by her beau, Salvador.
Now, you may think the name Salvador resonates some kind of romantic vibes, but apparently Chels has had to have a few strong words with ol’ Salv on the topic. You see, in the past his romantic offerings have included rugby tickets, camping with the boys and a box of his favourite chocolates. Tut tut.
Thankfully, just in time for Valentine’s Day, a miracle occurred and the message got through to him. However, we had to be a part of the plan.
This was Salv’s email to us:
Hey 2ov Team,
So I’m away for a couple of days this week and had to get Chels the perfect gift as she has been complaining that my hints about shark cage diving just isn’t romantic enough. (YAWN – I think the adrenaline rush would definitely work.)
Luckily, I found your post about that gift finder that the Pandora website offers and, guys, it was pretty epic and easy to use.
Just a heads up it should be delivered today. But can you please do me a favour? I want you guys to record her receiving it? I just wanna see her reaction.
Aweh, thanks guys, I owe you.
So we did record it and, between Chels’ suggestions and our hint to use the Pandora gift finder it seems as if Salvador may have got some gracious ticks in Chelsea’s book. This is what a happy face looks like.