Liam Neeson may have had his daughter snatched countless times during the Taken movies, but back in 2009 he suffered the loss of his real-life wife Natasha Richardson after a tragic skiing accident.
Despite attempts to date afterwards – most notably with London-based publicist Freya St Johnston – Neeson has yet to find happiness, revealing in an interview last year that he had given up women and drinking.
He may have done an about turn on that last one though, a recent interview about his plans for Valentine’s Day revealing a new lady in his life. Over to the Daily Mail:
He told an Irish newspaper that he is now romantically involved with a new woman, saying: ‘I’d embarrass her if I said her name, she’s incredibly famous.
‘I’ll have to do my best for her. It’s amazing how far a simple bunch of picked flowers will go in a lady’s life, I find.’
Incredibly famous you say, just who might this be then? The gossip mags have been hard at work and here are their best bets:
At only 25 years old, she is young enough to be his granddaughter — and yet last night the internet was buzzing with the theory…
The website Jezebel was the first to raise the idea, and revealed that both Kristen and Liam were at the New York restaurant Tao on the same evening this year.
She is single, having split from her long-time girlfriend Alicia Cargile.
They starred together in a 2006 drama, Home. What’s more, like Neeson, she lives in upstate New York, in the Hudson Valley, where actress Claire Danes, pop star Bjork and singer Bette Midler also have homes.
She split from her much younger beau Jonathan Bricklin last year. ‘I have no idea how to meet anybody, really,’ she admitted. ‘I’m just bopping around trying to figure it out.’
IS SHE THE ONE? She ticks all the boxes and is only a few years older than Liam. The internet is brimming with assertions that it is her.
Gorgeous film star Uma has long had a home near Neeson’s in upstate New York and the two are thought to have been friends for years.
Oscar-winner Charlize is single, having split from actor Sean Penn last year, and certainly knows Liam Neeson well — they starred together in A Million Ways To Die In The West in 2014…
IS SHE THE ONE? She’s single, and incredibly famous — but adopted a second baby only last August. Is Liam really ready to tackle nappies again?
Last year she made the yet-to-be released film Felt with Neeson, about Mark Felt, the ‘Deep Throat’ who blew the whistle on the Watergate scandal in 1972.
She is single, having been married twice — first to actor Christopher Lambert in 1988; then to actor Josh Brolin in 2004.
Believe it or not the list goes on, although I’m guessing by now you don’t give a shit and neither do I.
You just do your thing Liam, I hear you have a unique set of skills you’re not afraid to use so I;m sure there are no shortage of takers.