Things we all know right now – Gareth Cliff won his court case against M-Net and is back as a judge on Idols, filming is mightily awkward and Randall is still a knob.
So what is all this about Gareth Cliff being a hero? Well how about this gem from the TimesLive Facebook page, the photo below their current cover picture:
The photo carries this caption:
My favourite bit is that Gareth Cliff liked it – come on guys, that is absolute gold.
And then there are the comments, a few of which I have hand-picked below for your perusal:
Sorry that’s Madonna and Brangelina you’re thinking of Portia but we catch your drift.
As of yet this story doesn’t seem to be covered on any of South Africa’s major sites, although I’m sure in due course we’ll be hearing plenty about it.
I can already see Gareth grinning from ear to ear saying “I’m not a hero, I’m just a guy who cares about the citizens of South Africa irregardless of colour or creed”.