Another day, another absolute imbecile showing their lack of intelligence during a Facebook rant. See guys, this is why not everyone should have access to the internet.
The latest idiot is a woman called Marie van Rensburg, who had a number of disparaging things to say about coloured people. Before we show you the post below HERE is the incident to which she refers, the tragic story coming out of the Northern Cape.
Right, let’s see what Marie had to say then:
Fun drinking game – take a shot every time she makes a grammatical error. Then allow yourself to get angry that people still think like this, an anger shared by some on Facebook. More from IOL:
Stone Johann Steenkamp wrote: “If anybody knows this Marie van Rensburg b!tch wat sê (who says) coloured people is a messed up race, sê vir haar (tell her)… [haar] ma se p*** (sic).”
The Daily Voice was unable to find Marie van Rensburg’s profile on Facebook and it’s believed the page has since been deleted.
At least one local chief believes there may be more to this story than meets the eye though:
…Khoi Chief Tania Kleinhans-Cedras said with the municipal elections coming up, she suspects dirty politicians may be behind the racist post.
Kleinhans-Cedras said: “This is an agitator and I believe it to be someone in our very own community.
“The tone and language is so plain as to suggest that it is one of our own.”
Sadly, given what we have seen in the past few weeks, I am inclined to believe Marie is out there somewhere.