Saturday, March 22, 2025

January 22, 2016

Post Updates To Facebook Offline And Other Really Helpful Tips

If used right, Facebook is a wonderfully dangerous tool of misinformation and unforgiving racist statuses. It's also kinda great for keeping in touch with friends and family.
For some, Facebook is an intricate part of daily life. Others don’t really give a rat’s ass about it. But if you do frequent the social media platform, you may use it in a completely different way than someone else. Some use it for news, other to see what the person they love to hate is doing. Some just talk about their timeline, and show pictures of their friends only to tell you they ain’t really friends. Thanks, Drake.
Anyways, if Facebook ain’t your thang but you’d like to know some little secrets to maybe make it your thang, check these out:
Smartly Use the Friend Tracker
When you enter a ‘location’ physically, like, you actually are somewhere, in person, not just ‘checking in’ you can find out which other friends are in the same area. You can even notify friends about your arrival. But if you, like me, avoid many people for very good reasons, you can make a private list. You know, for The Cool Kids, Only. Wanna find it? It’s under the More option.
Post to Facebook When You’re Not on Facebook
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I’m not too sure why anyone would really want to do this. Maybe if you’re like stuck in China and your hustling skills lack the ability to get you onto the site itself, but yeah, you can post via email. You have a “post-by-email” address that you can use from your phone. Snazzy, huh? Here are some instructions:

Hit “Settings,” and on the left side of the screen, click “Mobile.” The post-by-email address will be listed at the bottom of your mobile information. (Note that this will only work once you’ve set up Facebook texts by adding your phone number.)

To add a caption to your photo or video, include a subject in the email. If you don’t include any photos or videos, the email subject will be your updated status.” As for your privacy settings? “Photos and videos uploaded by email are public by default, but you can always change the privacy setting of any photo album.

Get a Privacy Checkup
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If you go onto your profile page, you can check out who sees what when viewing it. This goes for friends and strangers and you can even package it according to individuals (like the people you want to remain friends with but every time you see them they talk about what you did on Facebook and you’re just like, dude, there’s more to me, man.)
You can also check up you general privacy settings in three cool and easy steps that Facebook helps you out with. Just click on the little second-from-the-right-icon at the top right hand corner and you’re set to go. Yeah, the one that looks like a little flying lock.
Don’t Miss an Event
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So a while back Facebook pulled a dick move and made artists pay for those ‘Sponsored’ posts so that their news would actually feature in your newsfeed. Then, to make it “better” Facebook turned around and basically said that if you really like the band / artist / whatever creative job they have with events attached you should Subscribe to them on the events section of their page. This just means instead of it coming up on your newsfeed you get a notification. Admin. But it’s cool
Save Content For Later
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Now this: This is the best aspect of Facebook. Think about it. You’re scrolling the ‘book, checking out a few things, but you’re using your mobile data. But hey, Grimes just released a sick new video, but it’ll use all your data. So what do you do? Just click on the little drop down menu icon on the top right hand side of the post and click ‘Save Link’. Dude, it’s amazing.
[source: popsugar]