Friday, March 28, 2025

January 20, 2016

This Is Why You Should Keep Stalking Your Celebrity Crush

If you're a celebrity, no matter what you're like you probably have a hoard of fangirls in the world ready to get their hands on you and tear you apart. Sexually. And sometimes, their dreams come true.

Oh no. If you know what Wizards of Waverly Place is then you either have children who watched it or you were young enough to catch it on the Disney Channel quite a few years ago. If you don’t, it’s where Selena Gomez made her name. Selena Gomez was Justin Bieber’s first girlfriend. Justin Bieber is…okay I’ll stop, hopefully you get the picture.

So in that series, there was a dude named Jake T. Austin. Here he is in action:


Well, he is apparently reporting Danielle Caesar, a major fangirl who was tweeting the actor for more than five girls. Queue every fangirl’s eyes filling to the brim with tears of joy, hope, and stalker instincts.

She has been tweeting the Disney star since 2009 saying things like:

Me and @jaketaustin are getting married. Shhh =x he just doesn’t know it yet 😉 yes I know I’m a freak :D.

And Austin took the bait. He posted the following pic:

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And here is her version:

Screen Shot 2016-01-20 at 8.38.32 AM


Fangirls lost their shit on Austin’s pic, commenting:

@harrystyles this could be us but you playing with Kendall



Providing hope to fangirls worldwide, Austin commented on the fairytale, stalker-esque relationship with this:

We’re young and having fun just getting to know each other. It doesn’t matter how you meet someone – on set, in a coffee shop, at school, or in the business. Sometimes you connect with people at the right moment & you just click.

Although no one is quite sure how the romance began, it doesn’t matter. Twitter is now as good as Tinder.

[source: huffingtonpost]