Bye Gareth, it looks like that awful show still trawling for local talent with C-List celebrity judges will have to go on without you.
Yes, the radio DJ and personality will not be part of the next season of Idols thanks to THAT tweet. It may also have been his perceived lack of contrition in the aftermath of the uproar, Cliff having a go at ‘the angry Twitter mob’.
Whatever the reasoning M-Net has confirmed that he will no longer be part of the judging panel for future shows. Here are the most pertinent questions answered thanks to Channel 24:
Was Gareth contracted to do the next season of Idols?
M-Net had approached Gareth to do the next season. A fee was negotiated and all negotiations were in writing. Gareth had also received the audition schedule. M-Net says that the ‘contracting process had not been concluded.’ However, in all previous seasons of Idols, Gareth and other judges had never signed the contract prior to the auditions. Negotiations were always verbal and via email.
Deciphered: Technically, he wasn’t fired because the contract wasn’t signed. But taking past protocol and written instructions into account, he was axed.
Was the decision taken based on Twitter threats to boycott Idols SA?
“M-Net always takes note of public opinion, but our business decisions are made based on our business objectives and the interests of our various stakeholders,” explained M-Net CEO Yolisa Phahle.
Deciphered: Yes! Your voice was heard.
What is Gareth’s next move?
…Gareth is considering his legal options. However, he has been vocal about his reluctance to continue with the show in the past, and may have a change of heart once the dust has settled.
He tweeted this earlier this morning.
Deciphered: Judging by his debate on race with DJ Fresh and Dali Mpofu (listen here) we reckon M-Net is going to get a lashing.
Take off the gloves and get stuck in guys. As for Idols – shame, can we not put that show to bed already?