Learning to drive can be a terrifying experience. Hooters blaring, people shouting out of window, rules being bent as you cruise by trying to avoid a crash and simultaneously perform 16 different checks – thank heavens those days are behind me.
We should also be thankful that we didn’t have to learn to drive with Conan O’Brien in the car, although as if that wasn’t enough he invites a few friends along the ride. Kevin Hart, Ice Cube, now we’re really taking it up a notch. Below from EOnline:
The foursome proceeded to go on an adventure through L.A., tormenting other drivers by throwing pennies at them and honking the horn. Their conversation ran the gamut, covering everything from driving tips to drugs, which naturally led them to stop by a dispensary.
Purchasing a piñata full of weed (literally), the group takes off where they “break the law” in front of a police officer. “We ain’t scared of no po po,” Cube said.
Conan wasn’t even stressed about the rules of the road, given how they turned the car into a hot box. “Suddenly all my anxieties and fears are gone,” the redheaded host said.
Looks like someone is a believer in ‘don’t drink and drive, smoke and fly’.