Mind-Blowing Details Emerge Showing Exactly How Krejcir Was Going To Escape From Jail

If you’re trying to escape a string of convictions for violent crimes you’re going to need to grease a few palms along the way. The cost might surprise you though.
IRONY: Local Rapper Enjoys Controversy But Walks Out Of Interview Following ‘Affair’ Question [Video]

AKA can handle controversy – but his understanding of the world is way different to the rest of the world’s.
Monday Morning Spice

VW engineers admit installing cheat advice. Pistorius parole board decides. Video shows Pope defending cover-up bishop. Trump prefers Saddam, Gaddafi in power. Jim Carrey’s ex used his pills
The Wolf Of Wall Street Dubbed With South African Accent [Hilarious Video]

You need to watch Matthew and Leonardo as South Africans, in this scene from The Wolf of Wall Street
Child Molester Bob Hewitt Just Got Hit Where It Really Hurts

Bob Hewitt may have been sentenced to an effective six years behind bars earlier this year but this latest judgement may also do real damage.
Trevor Noah Takes On Donald Trump, Mocks Zuma And It’s Glorious [Video]

Shots fired, I repeat shots fired – Trevor shows off his unique perspective on the campaign of Donald Trump and does not disappoint.
This Is How Stupid You Look Taking Selfies [Video]

Lips puckered, hair flipped to the side, camera angled perfectly to get your best side – it’s enough to make these commentators take the piss.
You May Never Eat Airline Food Again After You See This

Most of us make sure we’re well fed before hopping onto a flight, perhaps more so after you see what this woman snacked on in the air.
Fashion Has Officially Lost Its Marbles [Images]

You know those pre-award show red carpets where everyone gets quizzed over who they’re wearing? Well here’s a rather unique take on that.
Oh You ‘Can’t Afford’ A Decent Watch? Yes You Can

It’s cute that you’re still wearing the watch your mom bought you for your 18th birthday, I’m sure she is stoked. But really, let’s get this ball rolling.
World Freaks As New App Lets You Rate Other People – And They Can’t Stop You

It’s one thing going on to a dating site and setting yourself up for the odd no, it’s quite another being rated as a human without your consent.
Get Out Of Town For 700 Bucks A Night For Two Or More People

Sheesh, imagine a place where the water was warm enough to swim without feeling your toes curl up seconds after entering. Yep, KZN has it good.
Are You Sure You Want To Be Famous? [Video]

The glitz, the glamour, the people sifting through your trash and selling it on eBay – the lifestyles of the rich and famous hey.
This New App Actually Pays You Cash Back For Your Shopping [Video]

There are a lot of scams out there on how to make money effortlessly, then there are the winners, those apps that are so easy to use and actually do make you money
Prince Harry Channels Ace Ventura When Hanging With Dan Marino [Video]

Much like the slow clap Ace Ventura quotes have to be delivered at the right moment to really hit home, Enter Prince Harry with some great timing.
New Tinder Feature Makes It Very Clear You Want To Have Sex

Remember back in the day when you could poke people on Facebook? Now Tinder are making it easier to send out that ‘let’s get it on’ vibe too.
Stop Everything – Here’s Donald Trump With A Man Bun [Image]

Hang on a moment, you’re telling me that the Donald managed to wrap together those wispy strands into something resembling a man bun?
Online Forum Shows People Advising Chris Harper Mercer On How Best To Carry Out The Oregon Mass Shooting

What would you do if you came across someone threatening to go on a shooting rampage at an unnamed university? These folks offered a helping hand.
Friday Morning Spice

US mass killing. Google / Microsoft call it quits. Molefe knew nothing. Get passports at your bank. Blair advised Gaddafi. Cosby’s moment nears. Trevor Noah grills Chris Christie. Little girl freaks at Levine news.
You Need To Watch The World’s First 3D Candy Printer Turn Kids’ Dreams Into Reality [Video]

Kids and candy, a match made in heaven (or hell if you’re a parent dealing with a sugar high). Now they’re making sweets using 3D printers and it’s proving popular.
Top 10 Most Expensive SA Private School Fees Released

And here we have it, the Top 10 most expensive private schools in South Africa, as per their latest published rates.
Amazing LA Times Story About South Africa And Our Culture Of Bribery That Starts At School

We’re no strangers to corruption down here in SA but it isn’t often you see an international piece that lays it out so clearly.
Epic TV Interview Mistakes Edward Snowden For Edward Scissorhands [Video]

If we can learn anything from this it should be that, as a TV anchor, you might want to pay attention to what your guests are saying. Troll one, anchor zero.
Would You Send An Invoice To Family Who Couldn’t Make Your Wedding? These People Did

Wedding etiquette dictates that you should respect the rules of RSVPing, but would you bill someone who had to skip your big day at the last minute?
Holy Crap: The Abathembu King Is Going To Jail For 12 Years

Sometimes not even friends in high places can save you from heading to the slammer. This guy did commit some really awful crimes however.
Everything You Need To Know About Watershed Playing In Franschhoek Tomorrow

One of South Africa’s most iconic pop rock bands are back with their new album and you can catch them in action over in Franschhoek.
Guess Which South African University Features In The World’s Top 100 Universities List?

The latest worldwide university rankings are in and I’m sure you’re itching to see where our top dogs landed up. Who has bragging rights now then.
What Is It With The Taliban’s Selfie Obsession? [Images]

The disease is spreading at a rate of knots, selfies now part and parcel of the Taliban’s incursion into parts of Afghanistan. Where will it end?
Childhood Dreams Come True With Your Own Cereal Dispenser Like They Have In Hotels

I don’t care what anyone else says, you’re never too old for a bowl of Froot Loops or Coco Pops. Now there’s an adult way to enjoy those old-school treats.
London Transport’s Plans To Slow Down Uber Are Outrageous

If it ain’t broke don’t fix it right? Not in London, where new proposals by Transport for London have people up in arms.