There’s a serious issue with rhetoric of Donald Trump’s election campaign. The highly fueled pro-white speech used by the man wanting to be elected as president is sending certain Americans – many who are associated with the Republicans – into an absolute frenzy. It’s as if the lack of policing of Trump’s freedom of speech is only hurting those it is directed towards.
From stating that all Muslims should be banned from entering the U.S. to declaring he’ll “bomb the shit outta ISIS“, every time Trump opens his mouth he is giving those with an undercurrent of hate towards non-whites more and more reason to irrationally act on it.
There have been more mass shooting than days in the States this year, yet the Social Responsibility Network will be airing a 24-hour gun shopping TV channel. Tension is rife, guys, do you not even get it? Guns are certainly not the answer right now.
Although there are spews of Americans who are appalled by the violent, anti-Islamic and disrespectful actions by their fellow citizens, the outlandish behaviour is extremely difficult to curb.
The latest Islamophobe action saw a “truck” drive past a mosque in Philadelphia and throw a severed pig’s head at the door.
Although the motivation is a total hate act, Arab American Development Corp. Director Marwan Kreidie had this to say:
It’s just a pig’s head — that’s not a big deal; but it does send a message. I think people are worried that if they do a pig’s head, they could do something more violent in the future.
Yet high ranking officials of Philadelphia were in full support of the Muslims of its community. Mayor-elect Jim Kenney said:
The bigotry that desecrated Al-Aqsa mosque today has no place in Philadelphia.
[source: thewashingtonpost]