Friday, March 21, 2025

December 8, 2015

The Experts Weigh In On Whether Trump’s ‘Ban All Muslims’ Rule Could Work

Donald Trump has never really had much of a grip on reality. So how exactly do his latest comments on banning Muslims hold up against US law?

“No” would be the simple answer here, but for the sake of poking fun at the bloated orange buffoon let’s elaborate a little.

In case you missed it this morning check out Trump’s latest campaign press release and speech (HERE), a blanket ban on all Muslims entering the US. Now anyone with even the vaguest knowledge of the American legal system (and that thing called the First Amendment) would have heard alarm bells, which didn’t stop his supporters from getting behind the idea and praising the wise and mighty Donald.

For some expert legal analysis it’s over to BusinessInnsider to lay it bare:

“Oh, for the love of God,” said Jonathan Turley, a constitutional law expert at George Washington University. “This would not only violate international law, but do so by embracing open discrimination against one religion. It would make the United States a virtual pariah among nations”…

“That’s blatantly unconstitutional if it excludes U.S. citizens because they are Muslims. It’s ridiculous,” said Richard Friedman, a law professor at the University of Michigan. He cited the U.S. Constitution’s equal protection clause and the First Amendment’s doctrine of freedom of religion…

“We have treaties, all sorts of relationships with other countries,” said Palma Yanni, a D.C. immigration lawyer and past president of the American Immigration Lawyers Association. “I’m sure it would violate innumerable treaties if we suddenly started banning citizens of NATO countries, of Southeast Asian countries”…

Beyond the legal problems, Trump’s plan would also likely be doomed by practical factors, such as the difficulty and intrusiveness of questioning potential immigrants based on factors such as their surname. And religion “is not on any passport that I’ve ever seen,” said Yanni, who labeled the plan “impossible.”

You see much like that wall he plans on building to keep the Mexicans out (part of the now infamous Presidential announcement) Trump’s ‘policies’ and ‘solutions’ are not rooted in any kind of reality.

Build a wall? Ban Muslims? You may as well just say we should find the one ring to rule them all, Donald, then entrust a few hobbits with helping us destroy ISIS.
