Friday, March 14, 2025

November 20, 2015

Brilliant – A Cyclist Flipping Boris Johnson The Bird [Video+Images]

You either love him or you hate him - unless you live on the other side of the world and can just watch on with popcorn in hand.

The mayor of London has always been a divisive character, some swearing by Johnson’s charm and others seeing him as a pompous buffoon with a terrible haircut.

We like to think of him as a great source of entertainment – shoulder charging 10-year-old Japanese children (HERE), swearing at cab drivers (HERE) and failed zip-line stunts (HERE) amongst our favourite moments.

Now someone who obviously thinks Boris is a twat is that cyclist, taking his opportunity to show the mayor exactly what he thinks of him. Here’s Mashable:

…on Thursday in central London, while opening the latest cycle super highway — a cycle lane that’s completely separate from road traffic — Johnson didn’t make a fool of himself, instead, someone made a fool of him.

Whilst some hurled verbal abuse at the mayor, one unidentified cyclist switched it up, giving Boris the finger.

A few pictures of Boris taking this all on board:





Just smile and wave boys, smile and wave.
