Thursday, March 27, 2025

November 13, 2015

Best Competition Ever? Get 100 Of Your Favourite Instagram Pics Printed FREE

How's this: two local Cape Town startups are joining forces in an effort to get you out and about and taking pics of your favourite neighbourhood spots, with a cool prize to boot!

How’s this: two local Cape Town startups are joining forces in an effort to get you out and about and taking pics of your favourite neighbourhood spots, with a cool prize to boot!

Nifty250, who print out your beautiful Instagram pictures, are teaming up with local neighbourhood communication app, OurHood. Now listen closely and we will show you how to get your favourite 100 Instagram pics printed for free!

Retro Polaroids 3

Here’s how the competition works:

  1. Login to your neighbourhood on Ourhood (or signup if  you haven’t joined yet ??).
  2. Get neighbourhood savvy and snap a scenic pic or a pic of you socialising in your hood. Added bonus for some striking background 😉
  3. Upload the pic to your neighbourhood’s noticeboard on OurHood.
  4. Title it: I love my hood – this is why  
  5. Then in the content box for your post, describe the picture. Tell us what makes it so special. Add the hashtag #nifty250 at the end of the post.
  6. Got it, great? Now go have some fun.

As of today you can start sending your beauties in. Competition closes on 11 December and we will choose 3 winners.

Every winner will receive 100 polaroid prints from the wonderful Nifty250 – hell’s yeah! 

Good luck happy snappers!

*T&C’s apply and judges’ decision is final.