Being propositioned for a threesome is at times a little daunting, but in all the times it has happened with me, we have never quite been able to find that suitable third person. *Phew*
When Huffington Post asked sexpert Mandy Stadtmiller how to ensure you have the best possible threesome, like, ever, she said that communication is key. Before the threesome occurs, all parties need to talk logistics: trust, when playtime is over and who isn’t into what.
A lot of times, if it hasn’t been discussed and it’s over, the female might be suddenly — if it’s two women and one man — the woman might be experiencing sudden feelings of jealousy that she didn’t expect. It kind of turns into a little debacle.
Sexpert Dr. Emily Morse agrees:
It’s like a dance. When you’re in the moment, you’re hoping it’s all going to flow together, [but] you have to be mindful.
Feel a bit better? Have fun!
[source: huffingtonpost]