Okay, my day just got ruined – some things should just be left alone.
I was one of those girls with a Hanson poster. Oh yeah. An older friend gave it to me and it was on my wall for about three years. I used to look up into the eyes of those long-haired stars every day and they were defs my first boy-band crush. The Jonas Brother originals.
But then they grew up.
And continued to make music (and released a beer).
Recently, they toured America and ET caught up with them, now 20 years after MmmBop was released, to check up how what they’re doing.
Wow, we’re really stubborn, we just will not go away. I think really it just makes you feel proud to still be looking out at happy people who are singing along.
Check out everything they had to say in the vid above or just go back in time below.
[source: etonline]