Friday, March 28, 2025

Here’s The Guardian’s Review Of James Bond ‘Spectre’ [+ Trailer]

The new Bond spectacular has dropped in the UK and the first reviews are in. Looks like Daniel Craig fans may be in for a treat.

If you’re a Bond fan you will no doubt have seen that trailer up top, but just so we’re all up to speed you latecomers to the party can see that above.

Right, on to the business at hand, the Guardian’s review of Spectre. Now I’ll try my best to steer clear of anything plot-related, although their review doesn’t contain any spoilers, but let’s just stick to what they had to say about whether the movie was a hit or miss.

Below are some excerpts from their review:

Bond is back and Daniel Craig is back in a terrifically exciting, spectacular, almost operatically delirious 007 adventure – endorsing intelligence work as old-fashioned derring-do and incidentally taking a stoutly pro-Snowden line against the creepy voyeur surveillance that undermines the rights of a free individual. It’s pure action mayhem with a real sense of style…

[Craig] is one of the best Bonds and an equal to Connery. That great big handsome-Shrek face with its sweetly bat ears has grown into the role…He has flair, sang-froid, and he wears a suit superbly well by bulging his gym-built frame fiercely into it, rarely undoing his jacket button and always having his tie done up to the top. At one point he simply snaps the plastic handcuffs the bad-guys have put on him, with sheer brute strength. Yet there is also an elegant new dismissive tone that he introduces into the dialogue bordering on camp. “That all sounds marvellous,” he purrs when advised of some footling new procedural restriction, adding later: “That all sounds lovely.”

…[it was] uproariously entertaining. At the end, I almost felt guilty for enjoying it all quite so much – almost.

Sounds like reviewer Peter Bradshaw was won over, evident in that fact that he awarded FIVE STARS.

Get ready Bond fans, the movie hits our screens on November 27.
