Friday, March 14, 2025

October 26, 2015

SPOTTED: Is This You? There’s A Casual R1,000 Waiting For The Person In This Pic

October's winning entry is in and there is a R1 000 up for grabs for a couple of cool cats. Is this you enjoying a catch-up at a Corner Bakery?

Ladies and gentlemen, let the games begin.

We have our winning entry for October’s Corner Bakery competition and this is where things really heat up.

Now let’s have a squizz at the winning entry, this sent in by Barney B:

Good afternoon Seth.

I see that you have the awesome Corner Bakery competition running again.

Well, I was at Corner Bakery Gardens last week, and happen to spot, first of all, a Joburger out of place but I guess no face does make it a toughy…

photo 1

Then, on my great escape after numerous close calls of being caught on duty, I spotted these two cackling birds…I mean, that print on the tights, that hair, thát face…

I do believe that these pics are too good not to share – It made me look twice, I’ll tell you that much.


Barney B

We’re going to go with the two ‘cackling birds’ and give either of them the chance to grab that R1 000 from Barney’s clutches. Here they are…

photo 2

photo 3

photo 4

Right, are you one of those ladies above or do you happen to know them? You have 24 HOURS to contact us and claim your prize or else Barney is lining his pockets.

We require some level of proof if it’s you so don’t be shy to snap a pic in those same pants and email it to

Your time starts now, cha-ching!


Firstly, you know what Corner Bakery is, right? It’s only the biggest and most yummy chain of bakeries in Engen QuickShops across South Africa. And they don’t only make pies, they also absolutely nail burgers, donuts, muffins, other pastries and the Equatorial Coffee is to die for. Anyone who has visited the Engen Garage in Gardens, Cape Town, will know ALL about it.

So, to win the R1 000, do the following.

Find a Corner Bakery at an Engen QuickShop near you (there are tons all over the country) – check out their store locator map here.

Find someone spicy ordering or eating. This might take a few minutes so it would be best for you to go in the morning for a coffee fix or near lunch to smash a pie while you wait. We’ve posted some deals below to help your planning.

Take a picture of that spicy someone at the Corner Bakery and email it to with the subject line #2goodnot2share.

Every month we will publish the best picture received from you, our beautiful readers.

If the person in the pic doesn’t contact us within 24 hours, then you get R1 000 cash

If they DO get in touch with us with proof that they are the person in the pic then THEY get the money and you get sweet nothing.

Imagine that – a competition that requires you to act like a private eye, eat pies, drink coffee and win cash. Surely it doesn’t get better than that?

This may well be the best competition in the world. Ever.

Good luck out there, gang!

Check out Corner Bakery’s Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date with the latest deals and events.

We hear great pie deals help soothe the nerves Barney…


